The Buffalo Documentary Project (BDP) was brought to life in the summer of 2016 by filmmaker Mani Mehrvarz. Its mission is to uncover untold stories in the city of Buffalo and Western New York. Mehrvarz assembled a team of artists, filmmakers, researchers, and educators to collaborate on producing documentary films that delve into the communities, art, and culture of Buffalo. With ten episodes produced to date, BDP brings to the fore a diverse array of narrators and subjects to capture the oral history and lived experiences of the city, extending beyond mainstream narratives.
Valuing oral history through documentary filmmaking is essential, as it brings to life stories that are often absent from written records or official accounts. BDP embodies love, life, and collaboration by engaging directly with individuals and sharing their untold stories of authentic experiences in Buffalo and Western New York. Through the power of film, the project aims to connect deeply with viewers and reach a broader audience. While BDP remains committed to highlighting the voices of individuals and communities that have shaped Buffalo, its work has expanded beyond the region. The project is now taking on documentary requests from across the country, including cities like Washington D.C., New York City, Albany, and Boston, amplifying its mission to share stories that matter.
Fight for Good, Behind the scene, photo by Jacob Vogan