"Doctor of All Shoes" tells the heartfelt story of Joseph Bavisotto, a lifelong shoe repairman in Buffalo, New York. Taking up his father's mantle on Hertel Avenue, Joseph has nurtured Jimmie’s Shoe Repair Shop through the years, witnessing the evolution of the business and its neighborhood. Despite the demanding hours and relentless workload, he finds deep fulfillment in his craft, affirming the significance of his work. Contrary to the belief that shoe repair is an obsolete trade, Joseph's enduring success and commitment to quality have kept his shop a beloved staple in the Hertel neighborhood, defying changes and preserving a legacy of resilience and dedication.
Cast and Crew
Director and Editor: Mani Mehrvarz
Featuring: Joseph P. Bavisotto
Cinematography: Mahan Mehrvarz, Mani Mehrvarz
Interview: Jared Parylo
Sound mix and Art Director: Maryam Muliaee